A simple cash payment receipt sample should include the following:
Nowadays it's essential to be able to prove that you paid for something received. Whether its computer products, service, rent or anything else. The time when people used to trust each other has long gone.
I have received from Mr/Mrs: ________________________________________________ resident of _____________________________________, City of __________________, State of ______________________, ZIP: _______, the amount of $ ________________, (____________________________________________________ Dollars), for the sale of ____________________________________ of my property, giving him/her this receipt for proper discharge.
____ Cash,
____ Check#________________,
____ Money Order or Cashier's Check#_________________.
Witness 1: _______________________________________________
Witness 2: _______________________________________________
Place and Date: ____________________________,____ of ________________ 20___.
Name: ______________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
I received from Mr/Mrs: ____________________________________________ resident of _______________________, city of ________________, State of _____, ZIP: _______, the sum of $ ___________, (_________________________________________ Dollars), referring to services such as:
Place and Date: ___________________________,____ of _______________ 20___.
Name: ____________________________________________________
Witness 1: _____________________________________________Here's another sample of CASH RECEIPT FOR SERVICES.
____ Cash,
____ Check#________________,
____ Money Order or Cashier's Check#_________________.
Address: __________________________________________________
Witness 2: _____________________________________________
Receipts should be numbered and two copies. One copy is to be given to the payer and the other should be kept on file.
Maintain a copy of all receipts and a log of all monies received. The log can be in electronic or manual (hand written) format and must contain the name of the payer, purpose of the payment, the amount received, and the form of payment (cash, check or credit).
Keep all checks and cash in a locked and secure area (preferably a safe) until it can be deposited. The sooner your checks and cash are deposited the less exposure to theft or loss of funds.
Document all money transfers. If you are the one transferring money you should get a receipt as soon as possible. If you are the one receiving the transfer verify that the amount is actually what you are expecting before you provide a receipt.
Don't forget to endorse checks with a STAMP stating “For Deposit Only - (Company Name)” immediately upon receipt.
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