social security office locations

Find the nearest Social Security Office Locations where you can get social security disability, retirement and benefits information.

Also, replace lost social security card, get social security death records, social security checks and tax help, apply for social security, report social security fraud and other services.


Social Security is a social insurance program that was signed into law on August 14, 1935 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The program is primarily funded through dedicated payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA).

Disability benefits were added to the program by the 1956 amendment to the Act.


Currently, the social welfare and social insurance programs covered by SS include:

  • Unemployment benefits
  • Federal Old-Age (Retirement), Survivors, and Disability Insurance
  • Grants to States for Medical Assistance Programs (Medicaid)
  • Health Insurance for Aged and Disabled (Medicare)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

About 17% of the population in America (near 60 Million) were receiving monthly Social Security checks in 2009.


To find the nearest Social Security Office Locations call the National Toll-Free 1(800)772`1213,
TTY 1(800)325`0778

Office of Public Inquiries:

Social Security Administration
Office of Public Inquiries
Windsor Park Building
6401 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21235


According to the Social Security Administration:

Social Security replaces about 40 percent of an average wage earner's income after retiring.

Social Security benefits comprised 50% or more of the income for 63% of elderly beneficiaries, in 2007.

Social Security benefits comprised 90% or more of the income for 32% of elderly beneficiaries, in 2007.

As of 2010, Social Security pays an average of $13,968 per year to retired individuals.

The U.S. Census Bureau's poverty threshold for individuals over 65 years of age is $10,289.

As of 2010, Social Security pays an average of $22,704 per year to retired couples.

The U.S. Census Bureau's poverty threshold for couples over 65 years of age is $12,982.

Family members of workers who are receiving old-age benefits may also be eligible for benefits, even if they have not worked.

Disability Determination Services (DDS)

Disability Examiners are agents that review and determine who can be eligible to receive Social Security Disability Checks by meeting the standards and requirements for being disabled.

Initial Determination and Reconsideration are often denied by the Disability Examiners. If that is your case, contact a disability lawyer and have him or her handle your case and request a hearing with the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)

At the hearing, an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) will review your entire Social Security file in about one hour, (work history, testimony by medical and vocational experts, any new medical evidence that you present and may not be contained in the exhibit file....)

A Notice of Decision, along with a detailed report of the ALJ’s findings, will be mailed to the claimant in 2 to 3 months. Cases when a decision is reached at the hearing are rare.

Social Security Administration statement:

"Social Security is the largest source of income for most elderly Americans today, but Social Security was never intended to be your only source of income when you retire. You also will need other savings, investments, pensions or retirement accounts to make sure you have enough money to live comfortably when you retire."

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