A credit repair letter is the first step if the credit report agencies do not report your current and accurate information.

You have the right to contact the consumer reporting company and the information provider if any incomplete, inaccurate, erroneous, misleading, outdated, or unverifiable information has been provided to a consumer reporting company by any person, company or organization.

The sample letter below is information to be used as a guide only and should not be considered legal advice.

You should seek competent legal aid in your State if needed.

Sample letter disputing an error in a credit report.

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DISCLAIMER: The law will vary depending on your state, jurisdiction and the specifics of your case. The information provided by is intended for educational purposes only. The content on this site should NOT be considered professional legal advice or a substitute for professional legal advice. For such services, we recommend getting a free initial consultation by a licensed Attorney in your state.

Credit Repair Letter
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